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International workshops broaden students’ horizons

International Summer and Winter Schools run by the ZHAW make it possible to learn from and with one another. Some of the topics include health and social work and architecture.

They may live in different countries, but the problems they face in their professions are very similar. Health and social work students at the ZHAW’s International Winter School can meet at the beginning of each year. Since the pandemic, the meetings have not only taken place on campus in Winterthur but also online. The programme is based on the interprofessional module Challenging Professional Practices and Collaboration at the ZHAW School of Health Sciences. Participants acquire knowledge for a successful collaboration in interprofessional teams and learn how to interact with patients from different cultures. While visiting medical institutions, they learn about innovative approaches in the practice. “International students gain an insight into our healthcare system,” says Eveline Glauser from the School of Health Sciences. They reflect on their own way of working and share ideas with each other. Graduates note that this broadened their horizon.