Changing care pathways of accident patients from 2000 to 2017 and their impact on health care costs
Key Data
Deputy Projectlead
Project team
Project status
completed, 09/2020 - 09/2022
Funding partner
Suva / Forschungsfonds
Project budget
44'911 CHF
Does the shift in initial care provision from GPs to EDs lead to an increase in costs? : a decomposition analysis with accident claims data
2023 Thommen, Christoph; Stucki, Michael; Scholz-Odermatt, Stefan; Höglinger, Marc
Does the shift in initial care provision from general practitioners to emergency departments lead to an increase in costs? : a decomposition analysis with accident claims data
2023 Thommen, Christoph; Stucki, Michael; Scholz-Odermatt, Stefan; Höglinger, Marc
Does increasing emergency department use at the expense of general practitioners really drives up costs? : a decomposition analysis with claims data
2022 Thommen, Christoph; Stucki, Michael; Höglinger, Marc; Scholz-Odermatt, Stefan