CPTPP Becomes European with UK Accession, Making it a Global Framework for Trade Liberalization
Although the U.S. has left the original TPP under Donald Trump, an astonishing momentum has developed around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Accession negotiations with the United Kingdom (UK) have been successfully completed on 31 March 2023 - but China, Taiwan or South Korea also want to join this mega regional trade agreement.
In a background analysis for the NZZ, Dominique Ursprung showed in what the phase of expansion of the CPTPP means for Switzerland and what risks Switzerland takes by remaining on the sidelines.
UK membership application sets the stage for the CPTPP's growth phase [in German](PDF 2,0 MB)
The complexity of accession negotiations to the CPTPP was highlighted in an article for a magazine of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. The article shows why the Swiss government, while recognizing many of the advantages of Switzerland's potential CPTPP membership, prefers a policy of small steps - outside this mega-regional.
Showdown over the CPTPP free trade zone [in German] (online)