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School of Management and Law

International Affairs

Your Gateway to a Global Career!

With more than 190 partner universities in 50 countries, ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) disposes of a high-quality network of academic partners worldwide. The network helps us to foster international exchange of students, lecturers and staff. It is a key driver for the initiation and realization of joint research and consulting projects. An active partnership management and continuous development is essential. Student and staff exchange, joint programs and Double Degrees, international research and consulting projects – these are some of the tasks organized through SML International Affairs.

Studying in Switzerland

Switzerland supports students from other European countries studying at the ZHAW.
More information about student exchanges.


Organization of International Affairs at SML

International Affairs

The International Affairs at SML comprises the work of 3 teams: International Relations is taking care of the development and maintenance of the partner university network. It is the key contact for the organization of student study trips for our partner universities. These tailor-made short-term programs combine academic lectures, company visits and socio-cultural events. International Development and Projects is responsible for international research and consulting projects. The development of Double Degrees is also located here. The International Office is in charge of the administration of the student mobility.

International Office

The International Office team organizes the student exchange for incoming and outgoing students. Consultancy and support of students in all regards concerning study abroad topics and the administration of all processes around student exchange are the focus fields of activity here.

News International Affairs

More articles in the SML International Blog