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School of Management and Law

Master in Business Information Technology

"Our Master's program complements the Bachelor's program perfectly and helps career-changers to position themselves successfully on the job market."

Dr. Mike Krey, Head of Program

Our Master's program in Business Information Technology was developed in close cooperation with the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in response to its shortage of skilled labor. It qualifies graduates to assume key functions and management tasks in the entire ICT sector and in the IT departments of companies.  

What You Will Learn

In order to be ready to assume challenging IT management tasks, you will acquire solid professional knowledge, analytical abilities, entrepreneurial thinking, and communication skills with a strong emphasis on action competence. The program "MSc in Information Technology" focuses on systematic and continuous change and development processes in companies. You will learn to operate in a dynamic and multidisciplinary environment and be able to integrate new knowledge, master complex situations, and make informed judgments.

Your Career Prospects

The MSc in Business Information Technology enables graduates to accept challenging positions in four professional areas with a broad range of industry-tailored competencies.

Program Structure and Admission

Flexible and Practically Oriented

The program starts annually in September and takes two years to complete. Classroom instruction takes place all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. The program's structure will enable you to work part-time or do family work. Most modules consist of a combination of classroom tuition (lectures) and self-study. At the Master’s level, instructors have both sound scientific and current practical competence. The languages of instruction are English and German.

What You Need to Qualify

At a Glance

Title: Master of Science (MSc) ZHAW in Business Information Technology
Start of New Program: Mid-September
Registration deadline: 30 May 2025 - apply now
Workload: 90 ECTS credits (corresponding to approx. 2,700 hours of study)
Duration: 4 semesters (while enrolled in the program, students can hold a part-time job or do family work not exceeding a workload of 70%).
Study Abroad: While completing this program, a stay at a foreign partner university is possible
Location: Zurich (Switzerland)
Semester Fee: CHF 720.-
Language of Instruction: German/English
Accreditation/Award: AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA, Top European Business School (Financial Times Ranking)

Brochure, in German