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School of Management and Law

Doing a PhD at the ZHAW School of Management and Law

Cooperative PhD programs promote research at the ZHAW School of Management and Law and help to answer topical research questions of business and society at a methodologically advanced level.

I would like to do a doctorate. What opportunities can the ZHAW School of Management and Law offer me?

Cooperative doctoral programs of Swiss universities and the ZHAW School of Management and Law are currently available in the following disciplines:

Access to universities abroad:

How will the ZHAW School of Management and Law support me and my PhD project?

ZHAW is currently developing a concept for a framework for the funding of doctoral students. As a result, the ZHAW School of Management and Law will also adapt its funding concept and HR policy.

Important Information

The PhD Community

Doctoral students at the ZHAW School of Management and Law exchange ideas with each other at an annual research colloquium and a brown bag lunch. These events are independent of the obligations of the respective doctoral programs.

The Next Step

A PhD project requires careful planning and preparation in both the professional and the private environment. We are at your disposal for a consultation.