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School of Management and Law

Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Information Technology with Specialization in Business Information Systems

Bild Stefan Koruna

"Students who choose this specialization obtain the basic know-how to digitalize a company. They learn how to develop and optimize business processes and systems (software) in a digitalized world and how to use data in a corporate context."

Dr. Stefan Koruna, Head of Program

Digitized processes form the backbone (one might also say the digital nervous system) of a modern organization, but developing such processes is demanding. To make them effective and efficient requires suitable software systems. With the trend towards smart products, the use and development of software systems is becoming a key competence for companies and employees. The data a digitalized company accumulates must be handled professionally to improve decision-making and create data-based business models. New technical approaches – e.g., big data and artificial intelligence – play a vital role here.

At a Glance

Title: Bachelor of Science (BSc) ZHAW in Business Information Technology with Specialization in Business Information Systems
Academic Achievement: 180 ECTS credits (1 ECTS credit is the equivalent of approx. 30 hours of work and study)
Study Format: Full-time or part-time
Duration: 6 semesters (full-time) or 8 semesters (part-time)
Start of Program: Mid September (calendar week 38)
Application Deadline: 30 April 2025 - apply now
Location: Winterthur
Language of Instruction: German
Semester Fee: CHF 720.- per semester + plus additional program-related expenses
Follow-Up Program: Master of Science

What You Will Learn

As a result of digital transformation, more and more companies are digitizing their processes. This makes them faster and more agile. They also become able to design and develop agile digital processes.

Digital processes, like smart products and processes, require software systems that provide maximum performance within the organization and externally (e.g., for customers). You will learn to design and develop such systems.

The future of companies, which has already started, will be digital. Data and how they are created, analyzed, and utilized play an increasingly important role. You will learn how data can be used to create value in companies.

Your Career Prospects

A 2020 study in Switzerland forecasts an additional demand of around 118,000 (business) IT specialists with university degrees by 2028. As a result of digitalization and the "smartification" of products and services, business IT graduates are increasingly sought after by medium-sized and large companies in all sectors.

Program Structure and Admission Requirements

Well-Founded and Practical

Students can choose to do the specialization in Business Information Systems as a full-time or part-time program.

In the full-time program, which usually takes six semesters, you will have classes four or five days a week.

If you decide on the part-time program, you will still be able to manage a sizable workload in addition to your studies. You will have classes on one day and a maximum of two evenings a week; classes may also take place on Saturday morning. The part-time program usually takes eight semesters to complete. We strongly recommend limiting outside work to a 60 percent workload.

What You Need to Qualify

Further details on admission requirements

BSc Brochure (in German)