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School of Management and Law

Center for Continuing and Corporate Education

The Center for Continuing and Corporate Education of the International Management Institute/International Business Department develops and offers both standardized and customized management programs in German and English.

Our programs provide participants with business knowledge, enables them to develop their entrepreneurial skills, and assists them in making solution-oriented decisions. Continuing education can give participants new impulses, strengthen innovative power, and thus help to develop a company in the long term.

We can also advise you on the development of continuing education concepts and support you in the implementation and execution of management programs, such as customized CAS programs, seminars or workshops.

Our Focus Topics

Leadership & Team

Continuing Education

Our advanced training courses strengthen your competitiveness in the globalised market. We design our programs in close cooperation with representatives of successful international companies.



All research projects at a glance

Service and Consulting

All service and consulting offers at a glance