Foundation Board
The Institute of Public Management (IPM) was set up in 1997 as a foundation under private law to promote public continuing education courses for employees of public administrations in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, in particular in the canton of Zurich. Founders include the canton of Zurich, the cities of Winterthur and Zurich, the Association of Public Servants and Administrators of the Canton of Zurich (VZGV), the Association of City Councilors (GPV), and the former HWV Zurich, now the ZHAW School of Management and Law. Since 2000, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences has been responsible for the operational business of the IPM under a management mandate. The Board of Trustees represents the founders of the IPM.
Current Members
/ Adrian Hauser, President of the board (ad interim), VZGV
/ Andreas Bergmann, Prof. Dr., School of Management and Law (ZHAW)
/ Brigitte Frick, VZGV
/ Ruedi Keller, Verband Zürcher Finanzfachleute (VZF)
/ Katharina Kull-Benz, lic. oec. HSG, GPV
/ Harald Reuter, Stadt Winterthur
/ David Schmid, lic. phil. EMBA, Kanton Zürich
/ Peter Saile, Dr. jur. Rechtskonsulent des Stadtrates, Stadt Zürich