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School of Management and Law

Research and Consulting

We help our partners ask the right questions about corporate responsibility, develop strategies, and work alongside them to implement these strategies efficiently.


Economic, technological, and social conditions change rapidly, along with the challenges for dealing with socially relevant topics. Questions to be addressed include: How can new legal reporting requirements or standards be implemented? What new sustainability issues does “Industry 4.0” create for companies? What innovation opportunities are there for industries and individual companies? To answer these and similar questions, we conduct application-oriented research with and for companies with projects that take between six months and three years to complete.

Your Benefits

  • With your input, we will develop innovative solutions and enable you to benefit from their pioneer status before they become common property. This will give you a decisive advantage.
  • You benefit from an exchange with research institutions and other innovative organizations that have successfully broken new ground in the area of corporate responsibility.
  • As a university of applied sciences, we have access to funding from the federal government and national foundations.


Some tasks require a timely solution that takes expertise, experience, and specific tools. Depending on your needs, we work closely with you to analyze the situation, provide an assessment, identify potential for improvement, and develop change processes.

We support our partners and customers in answering specific questions, such as:

Your Benefits

  • As a university of applied sciences, we are scientifically sound, independent, and non-profit-oriented.
  • If necessary, we draw on the services of specialists from an extensive network to help us with specific aspects.

Project Sponsor and Partners