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School of Management and Law

Graduation of 46 Future Leaders of Angola

46 participants of the tailor-made continuing education program “Future Leaders of Angola” received their diploma in Luanda. A small delegation of the ZHAW School of Management and Law, the program’s academic partner, attended the memorable evening event.

Happy and proud faces last Monday in Luanda: The 46 graduates of the program “Future Leaders of Angola” received their diploma from Hugo Miguel Évora Gonçalves, Executive Administrator of the Fundo Soberano de Angola (FSDEA). Furthermore, 6 students received special acknowledgements due to their outstanding performance. The ceremony was held at Epic Sana Hotel in Luanda and included a formal dinner and performances from local musicians and dancers. Among the nearly 200 participants were the graduates, their families and friends, representatives from FSDEA and UNIQUA, but also five members of the ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML). Furthermore, ten representatives from local TV, print and radio outlets where attending the press conference about the program earlier that day, which underlines its importance from the Angolan perspective.

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