Handelszeitung: All career paths open
The MAS Business Administration at the ZHAW School of Management and Law has been providing in-depth business management knowledge on a part-time basis for 25 years. The Handelszeitung takes a look at this successful program in its "Continuing Education & Careers" special.

Christian Olivier Graf is head of the MAS Business Administration program and sees his course as follows: "The focus is on the effects of globalization and the challenges of the international business world. Our participants learn about the environment in which internationally active companies operate and how they can find creative and promising solutions".
The current "Continuing Education & Careers" special in the Handelszeitung is dedicated to the MAS Business Administration, which the ZHAW School of Management and Law has been offering for a quarter of a century. Author Peter Ernst states: "Continuing professional development in the field of management and leadership opens doors to new opportunities, a wide range of commitments and different professions. Management knowledge is always in demand, everywhere."