Handelszeitung: Eldorado with pitfalls
India wants to make better use of its potential. There are opportunities for Swiss companies. But is the country already an alternative to China? The Handelszeitung provides current insights and quotes Dominique Ursprung, ZHAW School of Management and Law.

"A free trade agreement could reduce or ideally eliminate customs duties, making Swiss exporters to India more competitive locally, for example against competitors from the EU."
Dominique Ursprung, Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Center for Global Competitiveness at the ZHAW School of Management and Law
India is in the fast lane. Last year, it overtook China as the most populous country. Around 1.43 billion people live on the subcontinent. The economy is also flourishing. It has recovered quickly from the shock of the 2020 pandemic. It is growing by around 7% per year, significantly faster than the Chinese economy. Switzerland now wants to take a slice of this growth with a free trade agreement.