New Head for the Center for Culture and Creativity in International Business (C3IB)
Appointment of Prof. Dr. Anna Lupina-Wegener as new Professor for International Management and Organizational Behavior at the ZHAW School of Management and Law

The International Management Institute (IMI) of ZHAW School of Management and Law is pleased to announce that Professor Anna Lupina-Wegener will be joining our team in the Department of International Business. Anna will join the International Management Institute in September as Head of the Center for Culture and Creativity in International Business (C3IB). Working with Institute Head Prof. Christopher Hartwell, Prof. Lupina-Wegener will continue her research on socio-cultural integration processes in cross-border M&As, change- and internationalization processes.
As a full professor at HEIG-VD, within HES-SO, Anna Lupina-Wegener leads the Intercultural Management group. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva (2006-2010). She completed her PhD studies at the Warsaw School of Economics (2005). In 2019, she was nominated as a Swiss committee member for COST Action 18215 China in Europe Research Network (CHERN), where she is a member of the Action Leadership.
We are pleased to welcome Anna Lupina-Wegener to our team from September 2022!