Overview Sustainability Day 2022 @SML
The third Sustainability Day took place on 4 and 5 April 2022 at the ZHAW School of Management and Law with the theme "Change is in Our Hands". The day was organized by seven students of the School of Management and Law.

Two Days to Communicate the SGDs
This year’s Sustainability Day was organized by two students of the BSc in Business Administration program, Yves Hoffmänner and Shqipron Brajshori. The aim was to raise awareness of the SDGs among SML students. The event was funded by the Sustainable Impact Program, and the organizing team was supported by Alexandra Grammenou, PRME Coordinator at the SML. Some 200 students and employees attended the event and benefited from an information fair as well as exciting workshops and presentations. Among the guests were various start-up founders, who took part in lively panel discussions. The overall atmosphere was great.
The Organizing Team

Graschi Leandro, Brajshori Shqipron, Misakova Kristina, Yves Hofmänner, Hasi Bleona, Jan Jörg und Areekal Jeevan (SML students, from left to right)
War in Ukraine
Key topics of discussion were SDG16 and the war in Ukraine. In his presentation, Prof. Christopher Hartwell, Director of the ZHAW International Management Institute, provided a historical overview, including the reasons for the war in Ukraine and opportunities for sustainable economic development in the region.
A Plant-Based Diet

The start-up Planted, which was presented by its CEO Pascal Bieri, was a great inspiration for all who participated in 2022. Planted’s innovative and sustainable business concept, but also its attractiveness as an employer offering meaningful jobs, particularly appealed to the students. Companies like Planted support the fight for more responsible consumption and offer healthy diet options based on vegetables.
Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

How can you turn a cement bag into a fashionable backpack? Nicolas Huxley, CEO of Elephbo, shared his 10 years of experience building his own start-up in Cambodia based on the concept of social innovation and contributing to sustainable fashion.
"It was a great honor for us to be involved in Sustainability Day 2022. We had the pleasure of working with a wonderful group of students as well as ZHAW staff. We were overwhelmed by the large number of fellow students who showed up over the course of the two days."
Shqipron Brajshori, Yves Hofmänner, Co-Lead Sustainability 2022@ SML
The resounding success of Sustainability Day 2022 and the enormous interest of students and staff have made this day an institution for the SML. The SML PRME Coordinator was proud to support and coach the students in organizing this important event. For next year, we are again looking for motivated students who would like to organize this event. To register your interest, please fill out the form now!
ZHAW School of Management & Law
Theaterstrasse 17/ Gebäude ST
8400 Winterthur