Prof. Christopher Hartwell on TVP World: "The Kremlin's Gamble"
The Russian economy continues to fulfill its main functions under the Western sanctions regime, while military spending is increasing. The economic and political consequences as well as the historical roots of Russia's actions, looking back to the Tsarist Empire and the Soviet era, were discussed by Prof. Christopher Hartwell, Head of the ZHAW International Management Institute, on TVP World.

"Looking back in history 200, 300 years, the Soviets, the tsars, and now of course Tsar Vladimir have spent their lives making the cities happy."
In the insightful conversation between ZHAW IMI Director Prof. Christopher Hartwell and Sergei Erofeev from Rutgers University on TVP World, there is a lot to learn: about the risky game of the Russian war economy, their preference for the urban population and the deep roots of both in Russian history.