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School of Management and Law

Study Trip to Japan and China

Emerging and developed markets are well-known concepts for students at business schools. At the ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML), however, they have the opportunity to discover and compare both states of economic development at once.

In the course of their two-week study trip to Japan and China, students are getting to know both countries from different perspectives. They are accompanied by their “tour guides”, René Rüttimann and Florian Angst, and their first stop is Tokyo, where they have already visited Hosei University, App developer DeNA, and the local offices of Credit Suisse. The International Blog tells about their experiences in the “land of the rising sun”. Switzerland has long had close ties to Japan; in fact, this year marks the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In one week’s time, the SML delegation is moving on to China, the major driving force in the Asian market, with its rich history and cultural traditions. Participants will be able to explore an economic region with all its challenges and the needs of its 1.5 billion inhabitants. Thus, this year’s study trip again follows the school’s claim “Building Competence. Crossing Borders.”