Two New Institutes for the School of Management and Law
The Center for Enterprise Law and the Center for Regulation and Competition at the ZHAW School of Management and Law's Department of Business Law are preparing for a positive change. The Council of the Universities of Applied Sciences has approved the formation of two new institutes as of January 2024 to strengthen the school's legal focus in three performance areas: BSc/MSc programs, research & development, and executive education.

The new Institute of Enterprise Law will place its strategic focus on the key players of the economy: companies. Taking a holistic view of the various legal disciplines, it takes account of both the social significance of companies and their social responsibility. The Institute is divided into four specialist units: Data Protection and IT Law, Commercial and Business Law, Private Law, and Social Law. For now, the new Institute will be headed by Prof. Jens Lehne.
The Institute of Regulation and Competition will deal with interactions between the government and the private sector at the intersection between regulation and competition. Focus areas include regulation and democracy, urban development and environmental law, compliance, security and innovation law, energy law, public procedural law, competition law, and issues of language and law. The Institute will be headed by Prof. Andreas Abegg.