Workshop: Electricity Markets in Europe
Electricity markets in Europe are in a state of transition. Researchers of the interdisciplinary “Energy Policy Analysis Group” met at the ZHAW School of Management to discuss economic and regulatory issues related to energy on the national and international level.

The Energy Policy Analysis Group organized a workshop on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, which brought together experts from various disciplines and relevant institutions. The goal was to outline the current state of research, formulate relevant research questions and identify gaps that should be addressed in future research. In particular, participants agreed that it would be important to analyse the implications of capacity mechanisms in neighbouring countries for Switzerland – both regarding the cross-border participation of Swiss power stations as well as the impact on Swiss producers and consumers via the change in wholesale prices of electricity. Further research on these questions will be presented and discussed at the Symposium on Electricity Markets with a High Share of Renewables on 29 May 2015: