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School of Management and Law

ZHAW discontinues classroom teaching until the end of May

Following a decision by the federal and cantonal governments, any attendance and classroom teaching at the ZHAW will be discontinued with immediate effect from Monday, March 16 until the end of May 2020. The university is operating at full capacity to gradually switch to contactless university teaching after a one-week break.

In order to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the Federal Council and the Canton of Zurich have informed on Friday, 13 March 2020 about new regulations on the suspension of classroom teaching for universities. The ZHAW welcomes these measures to protect the population and in particular those at risk. The ZHAW gives top priority to the health of its students, continuing education participants, employees and guests. Following the decision by the federal government and the canton, attendance at the ZHAW Bachelor's and Master's courses will be suspended from Monday, March 16 until the end of May 2020. The attendance for continuing education courses will be suspended until at least April 4th, 2020.

One week lesson break

The ZHAW Executive Board has also decided to completely suspend all university teaching for students during the week from March 16th to 20th, 2020. This means that not only will there be no classroom instruction during this week, but no classes at all. This also includes colloquia, exercises, workshops, events and study trips. This week will be used to prepare for contactless classes. From Monday, March 23rd, 2020, all university teaching will be switched to contactless teaching until the end of May. In accordance with the Federal Council's decision, attending classes for participants in continuing education will be suspended from March 16th until April 4th, 2020. The situation will be reassessed at the beginning of April.

ZHAW staff will continue to work during and after the one-week suspension of university teaching. Whenever possible and in agreement with their supervisor, employees should work at home and arrange flexible working hours.


ZHAW Corporate Communications, E-Mail