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Sustainability Day @SML

Sustainability Day at the ZHAW School of Management and Law – By Students for Students in collaboration with ZHAW sustainable

About the Project

According to a survey among ZHAW School of Management and Law students in 2019, more than one-third would welcome more extracurricular activities on topics related to sustainable development and responsible business. This result has led to the launch of the "Sustainability Day @SML" project, renamed “Sustainability Day @ZHAW in 2024 – an annual sustainability event entirely dedicated to social responsibility and sustainable development. It is organized entirely by students of the ZHAW School of Management and Law with the support of SML PRME and ZHAW sustainable. It is aimed at students and employees of all ZHAW schools, and the general public. The Sustainability Day aims to raise awareness and sensitize participants about sustainability-specific topics, while promoting the dialogue in this field.

I Want to Participate

Do you agree that there is a need for fundamental changes in the environment, society, and the business world? Why not start here, at our business school? You are a motivated, creative student at the ZHAW School of Management and Law? Become an event organizer for Sustainability Day 2025 @SML!

Who can participate?

What can you expect?

What do you need?

What work will you do?


Then simply fill out the online form below by September 30, 2025 at the latest and tell us in 300 words why you are the right person for this job! We will then get back to you.
