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School of Management and Law

PMI® PMP Certification Preparatory Course

Project management is becoming increasingly important across industries and disciplines. In order to be able to guarantee the success of individual projects, competent, experienced and well-trained project managers and employees are needed.


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Course confirmation PMI® PMP Certification Preparatory Course


13.06.2025, 05.09.2025, 24.10.2025, 21.11.2025


4 days of 8 lessons each; a total of 32 classroom lessons plus self-study with online test simulator; confirmation of 50 hours. Each course has a voluntary onboarding 1 week before start, more details about the implementation


CHF 2'700.00

Comment on costs: 

The course costs include all course materials, access to an online exam simulator with more than 1'500 questions, and a one-year PMI membership including a digital version of the PMBOK and Agile Practice Guide.

The cost of the certification exam is not included in the price. The exam costs USD 575 for PMI non-members and USD 405 for PMI® members.


ZHAW School of Management and Law / Campus St.-Georgen-Platz, 8401 Winterthur

Language of instruction:

  • English
  • The language of instruction is English, good knowledge of English is an advantage. German courses are offered only in a few cases.

Admission requirements: 

see below

Objectives and content

Target audience

Target group

The course is aimed at experienced project managers who have

  • several years of experience
  • work in a diversified and intersectoral environment
  • want to enhance their professionalism and efficiency
  • want to achieve the PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) certification


Course participants are specifically prepared for the PMI/ PMP certification exam and at the same time strengthen their project management competencies.



This PMI®-authorized PMP® exam preparation course is structured along the following topics:

  • building a high-performing team
  • planning and managing a project
  • executing and assessing project work
  • keeping the team on track
  • aligning the project with its business environment


In this interactive project management course to prepare for the PMP exam, course topics are presented in brief presentations. A variety of case studies and impulses accompany exercises that are worked on in small groups and then evaluated together.

Additional exam content is systematically developed in self-study. For this purpose, a playbook is provided at the end of each course module.

In addition to the tutorials and lectures, participants work independently with the teaching materials included in the course.

The course package includes the following:

  • PMBOK Guide including the Agile Practice Guide
  • Online X-AM test simulator with over 1'500 questions
  • Access to the PMI CHOICE platform
  • Course presentation slides: presentation slides used in class as well as the original presentations provided by PMI
  • Course participant guide: an electronic version of the course materials that can be read and annotated from a variety of platforms, including computers and iPad/iOS, Android, and Windows tablets
  • Project manager checklist: step-by-step instructions and reference material for concepts covered in the course that you can use for reference during and after the course
  • Spotlight videos: short videos (3-6 minutes) that complement and extend the learning of the course
  • Self-test: a series of multiple-choice and true/false questions that help you self-assess your knowledge of the course content before and after the course
  • Post-course survey: A mandatory survey that participants complete at the end of the course

More details about the implementation

course dates

Enquiries and contact


Institute for Organizational Viability


  • Stefan Isler
  • Meinrad Laim
  • Julia Posselt

Offered in cooperation with

Cooperation with STS PMI® Authorized Training Provider (ATP)


Admission requirements

The course is aimed at experienced project managers. The following requirements must be met to be eligible to take the certification exam following the course:

  • With a completed university degree:
    • 4'500 hours of project management experience during at least 36 months (without overlaps) and at least 35 contact hours in a project management training course that meets PMI standards.
  • Without a university degree (higher education or completed apprenticeship):
    • 7'500 hours of project management experience for at least 60 months (without overlaps) and at least 35 contact hours in a project management training course that meets PMI standards

For more information on certification, please refer to PMI's PMP® Handbook.

How to Apply for the PMP Certification | PMI

In exceptional cases, the IOV may provide a trainer for a further support.

Start Application deadline Registration link
13.06.2025 23.05.2025 Application
05.09.2025 25.08.2025 Application
24.10.2025 14.10.2025 Application
21.11.2025 11.11.2025 Application

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