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School of Management and Law

Keynotes II

Key Information

Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Business: A Blessing or a Curse?
Date: Thursday, 16 June 2022
Time: 2.00 – 3.30 pm
Venue: Theater Winterthur, Theaterstrasse 6, 8400 Winterthur
Chaired by: Reto Steiner and Suzanne Ziegler, Conference Chair and Co-Chair, EURAM 2022


Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main drivers of digital transformation. In this keynote session, leading researchers and practitioners will discuss the impact of AI on society and business.


Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Black Swan Theory, Professor in Finance and Risk Engineering)

Nassim Nicholas Taleb spent 21 years as a risk taker (quantitative trader) before becoming a researcher in philosophical, mathematical and (mostly) practical problems with probability.

Taleb is the author of a multivolume essay, the Incerto (The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, Antifragile, and Skin in the Game) covering broad facets of uncertainty. It has been published into 43 languages.

Sebastian Wedeniwski (Global Head of Cloud & DevOps, Standard Chartered, Singapore)

Sebastian Wedeniwski is the Global Head of Cloud & DevOps at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore. In this role, he heads Standard Chartered’s Cloud First strategy to bring pace and scale to the bank’s adoption of cloud technology. Wedeniwski’s background is as a mathematician and computer scientist, and he has published multiple books and owns several patents.

Edu Ortiz (Strategic Alliances Leader at SAS Institute, Founder & President of Women4Cyber)

Edu Ortiz is the President & Founder of Women4Cyber Spain (W4C Spain) and heads the Madrid chapter of MeetUp for Women in Machine Learning and Data Science (WiMLDS Madrid). Ortiz has more than 30 years’ experience in business and the information technology sector, including cybersecurity, big data analytics, AI, cloud technology, and digital transformation.

Schedule of Events

2.00 pm Start of keynotes II
The Future of AI-Based Consumer Assistance Systems Prof. Jella Pfeiffer, University of Giessen, Germany
The Practice Perspective: AI at Standard Chartered Dr. Sebastian Wedeniwski, Global Head Cloud & DevOps, Standard Chartered, Singapur
The Practice Perspective: AI for Cultural and Business Transformation Edu Ortiz, Strategic Alliances Leader SAS, Gründerin & Präsidentin Women4Cyber
Fragility and Nonlinear Responses Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Lebanon/USA
Discussion Prof. Dr. Reto Steiner and Prof. Dr. Suzanne Ziegler
3.30 pm End of event