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School of Management and Law

ZHAW International Business Podium: In honor of our senior lecturer, Khaldoun Dia-Eddine

Why has the Middle East become a global mediation hotspot? Together with other experts, senior lecturer Khaldoun Dia-Eddine will take part in a panel discussion on this topic. The session of the ZHAW International Business Podium is dedicated to an important question of our time – and at the same time honors Khaldoun's outstanding commitment to the ZHAW School of Management and Law in 14 years of service.

Our world is changing – politically, economically, demographically, technologically and ecologically. New challenges, conflicts and actors emerge every day. Since coercive measures are not always the best way to resolve international conflicts, modern global governance requires other methods of conflict resolution. A look at the Middle East is particularly revealing: it is known as a region of unrest and reconciliation in equal measure - and for its culture of negotiation and bargaining.

In recent decades, therefore, the Middle East has increasingly engaged in mediation activities related to international conflicts in a variety of ways. The results have been interesting and diverse, and they can sometimes rival those of traditional global mediators.

This observation is discussed by Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, who continues to enrich the work of the ZHAW Center for Global Competitiveness with a reduced workload after his official retirement on August 1, with exciting guests at the ZHAW International Business Podium in honor of his many years of work. Together they raise questions and find sometimes surprising answers: Is the region consciously developing its diplomacy and mediation capacities? How can their cultural backgrounds be assessed? And what impact do these developments have on traditional mediation centers like Switzerland?


"Why Has the Middle East Become a Global Mediation Hotspot?"


18:00 Uhr:  Welcome Address

                  Prof. Dr. Florian Keller, ZHAW School of Management and Law

18:10 Uhr:  Honorary Keynote Speech

                  Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, ZHAW School of Management and Law

18:30 Uhr:  Panel Discussion

                  Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, ZHAW School of Management and Law

                  Dr. Abbas Aroua, Founding Director, Cordoba Peace Institute – Geneva (CPI)

                  Sebastian Ramspeck, International Correspondent SRF

                  Dounia Rhouma, Co-Founder and Lead of the Foraus MENA program

                  Moderation: Dominique Ursprung, ZHAW School of Management and Law

19:10 Uhr:  Q&A Session

19:30 Uhr:  Closing Words

                  Prof. Dr. Florian Keller, ZHAW School of Management and Law

19:40 Uhr:  Networking Apéro