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School of Management and Law

Master's Degree Program MBA

Christian Olivier Graf

“Our lecturers impart practical concepts and tools and motivate the students to develop their own solutions using their curiosity, their thirst for knowledge, and their talent.

The diversity of the groups of participants from different industries and corporate cultures is deliberate because it greatly enhances the appeal of our program.”

Christian Olivier Graf,
Head of Continuing Education and Program Director, MAS BA

Continuing Education Combining Work and Study

At the ZHAW School of Management and Law, you will learn in a targeted and highly focused manner everything you need to succeed in a management position. Using a practical teaching approach, we will give you the key management tools and will enable you to deepen the knowledge you acquire. Regular classes and a compact study structure will make it easy to combine work and study.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Target audience: Executives responsible for the overall orientation of a company or for a corporate division
Costs: CHF 39,900.-
Duration: approx. 2.5 years
Start: 23.02.2024
Language of instruction: German
Qualification: Master of Business Administration ZHAW (90 ECTS)
Contact: Monica Gontovas / Phone +41 (0)58 934 66 67
More information: Master of Business Administration


MAS Business Administration (MAS BA)

Target audience: Junior staff and managers without broad business management training
Costs: CHF 24,900.-
Duration: 2 years
Start: 23.02.2024
Language of instruction: German
Qualification: Master of Advanced Studies ZHAW in Business Administration (60 ECTS)
Contact: Beat Roth / Phone +41 (0)58 934 70 78
More information: MAS Business Administration


We look forward to hearing from you

For more information, please feel free to contact us. We will gladly advise you by phone or arrange an appointment with you for a personal consultation:

Christian Olivier Graf
Head of Continuing Education