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School of Management and Law

Awards for DIB projects

The Sustainable Impact Program (SIP) is a funding platform with the goal of creating a culture and community for sustainable development at the ZHAW. The sustainability projects of Dr. Gregoire Meylan and Dr. Fabio Duma were among the first projects to be supported by this funding.

"Green!Tea" - Producing tea and electricity at the same time

Producing both solar power and agricultural commodities on the same piece of land is at the heart of agrivoltaics (APV) – a contraction photovoltaics and agriculture. Until now, the evaluation of environmental impacts brought about by agrivoltaic plants have only been conducted with regard to existing APV installations. In his "Green!Tea" project, Dr. Grégoire Meylan is conducting a prospective life cycle assessment to identify environmental hotspots and the potential for improvements for future APV plants for green tea production in Vietnam. Green tea is a promising crop for APV because it requires shading. APV can therefore increase the quality of tea in an economically efficient way and improve farmer livelihoods.


Strengthening traditional crafts in Europe and beyond

Craftsmanship and the creations based on artisanal mastery are important aspects of our shared cultural heritage and they are at the core of what makes Swiss and European luxury brands so fascinating and successful. However, despite their immaterial value, craftsmanship traditions are facing great challenges in our increasingly fast-paced and automated world. As part of his teaching and research, Dr. Fabio Duma is raising awareness among students and academics about the importance of handicraft and the need to create stronger links between academia, design and craft. In his teaching project, the students are interacting with artisans and experts in the field and will search for solutions to the most pressing challenges of contemporary craftspeople.

Click here for the project description(PDF 85,3 KB)