Reader on Swiss–EU relations very well received
On 19 August, the editors Dominique Ursprung and Max Schweizer presented a copy of their new reader “Integration am Ende?” (Has Integration Come to an End?) to the President of ZHAW, Jean-Marc Piveteau. The release of this new book was widely reported in the media.

The book is aimed at the over 11,000 students of ZHAW and designed to enable them to gain a better understanding of the multi-faceted relationship between Switzerland and the European Union. Various media reports have since appeared to draw attention to this new publication, including Basler Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, and Tages-Anzeiger, which published an interview with co-editor Max Schweizer.
A public book launch will be held on 16 September in Zurich, to be attended by some of the contributing authors. The reader will be for sale at the event and can also be ordered from the online bookshop.
Contact: Dominique Ursprung, Deputy Head, Center for European Business & Affairs