Syria – What’s Next?
At the beginning of December 2024, the rebels overthrew long-time ruler Bashar al-Assad with breathtaking speed. People celebrate on the streets of Damascus, the dethroned ruler lands in Moscow and the public in the West is amazed. The ZHAW International Business Podium focused on current developments and ventured a look ahead.
In yesterday's online session of the ZHAW International Business Podium, ZHAW senior lecturer, Middle East expert and Swiss-Syrian Khaldoun Dia-Eddine and Michael Walsh, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and Visiting Scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley, discussed the situation. The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Florian Keller, Head of the Center for Global Competitiveness at the ZHAW.
The discussion was also streamed live on Switzerland's largest news platform, “Israel has done the rebels a favor”