Wealth and Asset Management
Would you like to know about the new scientific findings in your field? Are you looking for an independent expert opinion? Do you have a specific challenge that should be addressed scientifically and methodically? If this is the case, the ZHAW School of Management and Law is the right partner for you.
Reference Projects & Downloads
Strengthening Swiss Financial SMEs through Applicable Reinforcement Learning Zum Projekt
Spark Zum Projekt
KTI Risikoprofilierung Zum Projekt(PDF 504,4 KB)
Swiss Hedge Fund Council Zum Projekt(PDF 152,3 KB)
European government bond dynamics and stability policies: taming contagion risks Zum Projekt(PDF 131,9 KB)
Tail-risk protection trading strategies Zum Projekt(PDF 162,2 KB)
Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.
Studies & Download
Studie | Download |
Verantwortungsbewusstes Investieren: Pensionskassen als Vorreiter in der Schweiz |
Download(PDF 1,7 MB) |
Zukunftsstudie Bankfachspezialisten 2030 |
Download |
Auswahlkriterien für externe Asset Manager und Anlagegrundsätze |
Download(PDF 696,2 KB) |
Die Neupositionierung des Wealth Management in der Schweiz |
Download(PDF 3,5 MB) |
Schlussbericht Finanzdienstleistungsbranche Schweiz |
Download(PDF 5,6 MB) |
Das Entscheidungsverhalten in der privaten Altersvorsorge |
Download(PDF 3,3 MB) |
Wealth Management in der Schweiz /Download |
Wealth and Asset Management Expert
Prof. Dr. Peter Schwendner Head of the Institute of Wealth and Asset Management
+41 (0) 58 934 78 86