Public Policy and Management
Summer School (MSc) 2024
Get insights into a diverse set of public sector-related topics and the necessary analytical skills to take your study to the next level.
Key Facts
- Date: September 2 – 6, 2024 (on site)
- Venue: ZHAW School of Management and Law, Building MB (Haus Tista Murk), Turbinenstrasse 2, 8400 Winterthur (Canton Zurich). More info.
- Registration deadline: July 31, 2024
- Patricipation is limited, early registration is recommended.
- Language: English
- Credits: effort of 6 ECTS
- Fee: CHF 650.00
- Kick-off meeting: Online on August 6, 2024, 14.00 h CEST (2 p.m.)
You will learn how to apply the most recent AI-assisted techniques to review, organize and synthesize literature and identify gaps in order to prepare you to successfully design seminar papers and your thesis.
The one-week course combines lectures with workshop sessions, where participants can work on their own projects. At the end of the course, students will be able to use the latest tools to systematically review the state of the art in a specific area.
The event will bring together internationally renowned scholars to discuss with participants innovative topics at the intersection of public policy and public management. This includes:
- Innovative approaches to public policy such as the Narrative Policy Framework and street-level bureaucracy
- Tackling complex societal challenges in public health, water governance or social policy
- Managing the public sector within organizations (e.g., change management) and across (e.g., intergovernmental relations)
- Boundary spanning topics such as the transnational influence of public managers or digital transformation
- Open for all public management-interested MSc- and PhD students and young professionals.
Documents required for the application
- CV in English incl. level of English language and last university degree
- Portrait photo
- Short motivational description (max. 250 words)
School of Management and Law
Public Networks and Service Delivery
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
For technical and administrative questions please contact Isabel Volkart-Steinmann
School of Management and Law
Department Public Sector
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur