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School of Management and Law

ZHAW Master in International Business in the Financial Times Ranking

The ZHAW School of Management and Law has been included in the FT Masters in Management Ranking for the fifth year in a row. This ranking includes the top 100 Master's programs in management worldwide.

This year, the School of Management and Law's MSc in International Business has been ranked 51st worldwide. Only three other Swiss universities are represented in the ranking - the University of St. Gallen, the University of Lausanne and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Portrait Reto Steiner

“I am proud that our MSc in International Business has once again achieved an excellent position in the prestigious Financial Times Ranking. This ranking is an important indicator of the high quality of our programs and confirms the international recognition of our management education at the School of Management and Law.”

Reto Steiner, Dean of the ZHAW School of Management and Law

The ranking is based on an annual survey of business schools and their graduates. For the alumni, it takes into account criteria such as salary, career development, and employability. For the business schools, it includes factors such as international outlook and the societal and sustainability focus of the curriculum.

In the “value for money” category of the ranking, the MSc in International Business at the ZHAW School of Management and Law achieved an excellent third place, beating numerous internationally renowned business schools.