Applied Negotiation

“International negotiation offers the best conditions to train your negotiating skills realistically.”
Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, Desk for Middle East and Africa Business
Negotiating in an International Context
A variety of factors such as adequate communication, tactical negotiation skills, and correct behavior interpretation is crucial for the success of negotiations. In the international context, especially, detailed planning of the negotiation, including a definition of the desired result as well as goal-oriented mental and physical preparation, are major factors in a successful outcome. We help you to master these skills by creating tailor-made simulations of your negotiation situation.
The LAB Concept

The ZHAW School of Management and Law has been working successfully for years with customized simulation environments (labs), in which typical situations are tested and can be played out many times using different variants.
The Intercultural Negotiation Lab provides you with the opportunity to practice negotiations with individuals or whole teams in a realistic way. In keeping with your wishes, we will create a simulation based on genuine conditions or using a sample situation. Our experienced specialists monitor the simulation throughout, coach your employees, and offer detailed feedback following each practice session.
If desired, Intercultural Negotiation Lab trainers will explain the basic theory of negotiation techniques before the start of the simulation. In this way, your employees will be appropriately prepared for international negotiations, thereby contributing to successful business transactions.
Your Benefits
Flexible timeframe and location
According to specific customer requirements, the number of simulation days is agreed in advance. Ideally, training sessions should be as close together as possible, preferably consecutively. Sessions can be held on campus at the ZHAW School of Management and Law or any other suitable location (e.g., occupational training rooms, conference hotel, etc.). Simulations can be conducted in German or English.
According to your business needs, we adapt the training concept and discuss your goals, analyze the negotiation situation being addressed, and evaluate the professional competence of the participants. Following this, we prepare the negotiation scenarios, assemble a team of specialist trainers, and prepare your employees for the tasks ahead. After the simulation, a detailed evaluation of the goals achieved takes place, and feedback sessions are conducted.
Costs will depend on your specific requirements. Please contact us for a quotation without obligation.
The Benefits
For the Company:
– Increased chances of success in difficult negotiations
– Attractive cost-benefit ratio
– Tailor-made training environment
– Sustainable learning effect
For Participants
– Increased international negotiation skills
– Increased confidence in handling international negotiations
– Optimum psychological and physical preparation for negotiations
Overcoming crises: solidarity helps others and ourselves
21 June 2022
Does de-escalation always result in peace? Are we setting the right priorities in terms of ecology and economics? What can we do to tackle individual crises? Lecturer Khaldoun Dia-Eddine and two further ZHAW experts discuss ecological, economic, social and personal crises.
Arab Thought Forum (ATF) in Amman, Jordanien

10 June 2022
The think tank “Arab Thought Forum” (ATF) in Amman, Jordan, organized a round table discussion on the theme of “Cybersecurity in Smart Cities” on 11 May 2022. Khaldoun Dia-Eddine, lecturer at Zurich University of Applied Sciences participated at the round table.
Conspiracy theories are triggers for radicalization

18 March 2020
ZHAW lecturers Mirjam Eser Davolio (School of Social Work) und Khaldoun Dia-Eddine (School of Management and Law) both act as intermediaries between cultures. They talk about far-right and jihadist terror as well as how to prevent of radicalization and dealing with returnees.
Article in the ZHAW Impact (German)
Various Training for Guests Coming from the Middle East
How do you deal with new foreign guests? Interlaken Tourism offers workshops for hotel and restaurant employees. Khaldoun Dia-Eddine gives various tips for dealing with guests from the Arab world.

Egger, Peter H.; Strecker, Nora M.; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2020. Estimating bargaining-related tax advantages of multinational firms. Journal of International Economics. 122(103258). Available at:
Egger, Peter; Strecker, Nora; Zoller-Rydzek, Benedikt, 2019. Steuern auf Verhandlungsbasis. KOF-Analysen. 2019(1), S. 72-80. Available at:
Dia-Eddine, Khaldoun, 2017. Ist die Burka ein religiöser Zwang oder ein kultureller oder politischer Ausdruck?: was sind die Folgen, wenn sie hier zu Lande getragen wird?. In: 100. Generalversammlung der KSSD, Lugano, 11. Mai 2017.