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MSc International Business Faculty

Our faculty is characterized by three things: excellence, diversity, and passion. 

Diversity in terms of professional background, representing both academic and business careers, as well as in terms of disciplines, from natural sciences to social sciences to humanities, as well as in terms of nationalities. 

What unites this group of educators is their passion for teaching, their international experience and intercultural competence, as well as their commitment to supporting our students’ learning experience and building personal relationships that extend beyond their studies.

Check the profiles of our faculty using the links below.

The team of the ZHAW School of Management and Law

Our external experts

Giovanni Borghi

Strategy Manager, CFO & Enterprise Value
Accenture Strategy


Lara von Däniken

Strategy Analyst, CFO & Enterprise Value
Accenture Strategy


Dr. Michael Grampp

Head of Eminence & Chief Economist
Deloitte Switzerland

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David Le Mentec

Advisor, Trainer, Coach
Surround Capital

Dr. Carlo Pugnetti

Senior Lecturer
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

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