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MSc International Business Community

The MSc International Business program at ZHAW School of Management and Law is more than just a master’s degree. It is a community represented by its students, faculty, alumni, and corporate partners.


The program management team works proactively to create a class community with a strong sense of mutual engagement. Our goal is to strengthen our students’ sense of friendship, cohesion, joint responsibility, and belonging. Why? Because we believe that a strong sense of community increases engagement, persistence, and motivation to learn. And that ultimately contributes to our students’ learning success.

For this reason, our students are encouraged to form learning groups and work in project groups to learn with and from each other and achieve their shared learning goals through balanced individual and group assignments. To foster this sense of connectedness, we offer a variety of school and extracurricular events.


Our faculty is characterized by three things: excellence, diversity, and passion.

Excellence in teaching and research: 2020 winner of the ZHAW School of Management and Law Learning and Teaching Award

Diversity in terms of professional background, representing both academic and business careers, as well as in terms of disciplines, from natural sciences to social sciences to humanities, as well as in terms of nationalities.

What unites this group of educators is their passion for teaching, their international experience and intercultural competence, as well as their commitment to supporting our students’ learning experience and building personal relationships that extend beyond their studies.

Alumni community

Our community commitment extends beyond the classroom. Our alumni network now spans more than 55 countries around the world. We not only stay in touch – we continue to work together! Our alumni serve as student advisors, they inform us of job opportunities at the companies where they work, they arrange corporate projects, and they occasionally teach as guest lecturers. Along with our current students, they are also our most valuable advisors when it comes to the quality of the degree program – what we can do better, what we should change, what we should keep, what is missing, and what has helped them in their careers.

Corporate partners

Embedded in a dynamic and thriving business environment, we not only work closely with companies. The corporate world is an integral part of the Master program in International Business. Representatives of our students’ future employers teach in our degree program. Companies also work with our students and faculty to conduct research and business projects in the areas of market analysis, business and product development, and marketing and sales. From idea to production to sales – our program is not only practice oriented, but also all about practice and business impact.

Learn more about our business projects in the MSc International Business program