Prof. Dr. Nadina Müller

Prof. Dr. Nadina Müller
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Research Group for Food Technology
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
- Food Process Engineering 2
- Food Process Engineering 1
- Innovation in Food
- Nutrition Programme Manager
Bühler AG
01 / 2014 - 04 / 2018 - Specialist for Food Structure Design
Bühler AG
01 / 2011 - 12 / 2013 - Project manager Food Processing
01 / 2008 - 12 / 2010 - Project manager Nutrition solutions
01 / 2007 - 12 / 2008 - Scientific assistant Food Process Engineering
ETH Zürich
05 / 2003 - 12 / 2006
Education and Continuing education
- CAS for higher professional education / Food Science
08 / 2018 - 07 / 2019 - Micro MBA
Bühler Learning Center
04 / 2013 - 04 / 2014 - Dr. sc. ETH Zürich / Food Process Engineering
ETH Zürich
05 / 2003 - 12 / 2006 - Dipl. Lm.-Ing. ETH / Food Science
ETH Zürich
09 / 1997 - 05 / 2003
Membership of networks
Social media
- Sustainable Food and Packaging Knowledge Hub / Co-project leader / laufend
- Upcycling and targeted processing to improve the potential of selected side streams as high-fiber, unfractionated ingredients / Project leader / laufend
- Two-step foaming freezing technology for natural off-flavor free vegan ice cream / Co-project leader / laufend
- Valorization of Swiss Agri-Food Side Streams / Project leader / laufend
- Implementation of Action Plan against Food Waste / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Upcycling of wheat harvest losses by technological detoxification / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Food Chain Model for sustainable food chains and food waste prevention / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Fruit to Bar – Innovative post-harvest processing of de-pulped cocoa beans and pulp thereof for single source chocolate / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- PE(K)O Sustain – Physically modified oils as sustainable alternative to tropical fats for the baking and sweet goods industry / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- CREATE – Microorganisms to foster pulses-based healthy food / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- ShopHero / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- PiFoBake: Particel stabilized foams with high mechanical and thermal resiliance for the application in baked goods from non-wheat raw materials / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Strategies to reduce mycotoxins in grain side product streams enabling their reintroduction into the food value chain / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Softscope / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- Food Waste Indicators and Data Monitoring Concept / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Strategies to reduce food loss and valorize side streams in food industry: buildup of an industrial consortium / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- Sustainable Food Chain Model: Life Cycle Assessment of Food Products, Food Value Chains, and Food Waste / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
Husmann, Cyrill; Schmid, Tamara; Waser, Chiara; Kaelin, Ivo; Hollenstein, Lukas; Müller, Nadina,
Crystallized pickering emulsions from plant oil as a local alternative to palm oil.
14(1), pp. 104.
Available from:
Schmid, Tamara; Kinner, Mathias; Stäheli, Luca; Steinegger, Stefanie; Hollenstein, Lukas; De la Gala, David; Müller, Nadina,
Effect of press cake-based particles on quality and stability of plant oil emulsions.
13(18), pp. 2969.
Available from:
André, Amandine; Hecht, Katrin; Mischler, Sandra; Stäheli, Luca; Kerhanaj, Fllanza; Buller, Rebecca; Kinner, Mathias; Freimüller Leischtfeld, Susette; Chetschik, Irene; Miescher Schwenninger, Susanne; Müller, Nadina,
Food Research International.
Available from:
Mischler, Sandra; André, Amandine; Freimüller Leischtfeld, Susette; Müller, Nadina; Chetschik, Irene; Miescher Schwenninger, Susanne,
Applied Microbiology.
4(1), pp. 96-111.
Available from:
Müller, Nadina; Moses, Mark; Cohen, Raphaël,
The effectiveness of the IpOp model decision tree to calibrate projects at the pre-project stage.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation.
Available from:
Schmid, Tamara; Steinegger, Stefanie; Kinner, Mathias; Müller, Nadina,
Addition of particle stabilised foams to optimise the quality of gluten‐free toast bread.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
59(2), pp. 1017-1026.
Available from:
Stäheli, Luca; Schwab, Lisa; Kinner, Mathias; Müller, Nadina,
Design and functionality of a prototype for cold needle perforation of wheat.
Applied Sciences.
13(10), pp. 6266.
Available from:
Schmid, Tamara; Leue, Ramona; Müller, Nadina,
Heat and shear stability of particle stabilised foams for application in gluten‑free bread.
Journal of Food Science and Technology.
60(11), pp. 2772-2781.
Available from:
Schmid, Tamara; Loschi, Marco; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Müller, Nadina,
Assessment of the suitability of millet for the production of pasta.
Applied Food Research.
3(1), pp. 100247.
Available from:
Rüegg, Ramona; Schmid, Tamara; Hollenstein, Lukas; Müller, Nadina,
Effect of particle characteristics and foaming parameters on resulting foam quality and stability.
LWT - Food Science and Technology.
Available from:
Stäheli, Luca; Kinner, Mathias; Müller, Nadina,
Effectiveness of perforation methods for wheat kernels.
Cereal Technology (Getreidetechnologie).
2022(3), pp. 4-15.
André, Amandine; Müller, Nadina; Chetschik, Irene,
Occurrence of zearalenone and enniatin B in Swiss wheat grains and wheat flours.
Applied Sciences.
12(20), pp. 10566.
Available from:
Kinner, Mathias; Rüegg, Ramona; Weber, Claudia A.; Buchli, Jürg; Durrer, Ludwig; Müller, Nadina,
Impact of selected baking and vacuum cooling parameters on the quality of toast bread.
Journal of Food Science and Technology.
58(12), pp. 4578-4586.
Available from:
Schefer, Larissa; Conde‐Petit, Béatrice; Müller, Nadina,
Biochemically assisted rice whitening for improving head rice yield.
Journal of Food Process Engineering.
44(11), pp. e13850.
Available from:
Inanir, Dilara; Kaelin, Ivo; Pestoni, Giulia; Faeh, David; Müller, Nadina; Rohrmann, Sabine; Sych, Janice Marie,
European Journal of Nutrition.
Available from:
Schmid, Tamara; Baumer, Beatrice; Rüegg, Ramona; Näf, Patrick; Kinner, Mathias; Müller, Nadina,
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
55(8), pp. 2990-2999.
Available from:
Geiger, Philippe; Buchli, Jürg; Rüegg, Ramona; Müller, Nadina,
Evaluation of the effect of a novel membrane filtration system on the life span of frying oil.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
56(4), pp. 1844-1854.
Available from:
André, Amandine; Hecht, Katrin; Mischler, Sandra; Buller, Rebecca; Chetschik, Irene; Miescher Schwenninger, Susanne; Müller, Nadina,
11th Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), Prague, Czech Republic, 5-8 November 2024.
Müller, Claudia; Müller, Nadina,
Kakaopulpe : Rohmaterial mit Potential.
2018(2), pp. 5.
Available from:
André, Amandine; Hecht, Katrin; Mischler, Sandra; Freimüller Leischtfeld, Susette; Kinner, Mathias; Stäheli, Luca; Kerhanaj, Fllanza; Buller, Rebecca; Miescher Schwenninger, Susanne; Chetschik, Irene; Müller, Nadina,
Eine biologische Strategie zur Reduzierung des Zearalenongehalts in infizierten Weizenkörnern.
9. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, Detmold, Deutschland, 5.-6. Oktober 2023.
André, Amandine; Freimüller Leischtfeld, Susette; Mischler, Sandra; Hecht, Katrin; Stäheli, Luca; Rüegg, Ramona; Kinner, Mathias; Buller, Rebecca; Chetschik, Irene; Miescher Schwenninger, Susanne; Müller, Nadina,
Mycotoxins reduction strategies to reintroduce grain side product streams into the food value chain.
20th ICC Conference, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 July 2022.
Sych, Janice; Kaelin, Ivo; Inanir, Dilara; Faeh, David; Pestoni, Giulia; Mueller, Nadina; Rohrmann, Sabine,
13th European Nutrition Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 15-18 October 2019.
Cambridge University Press.
pp. E301.
Available from:
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Next Generation Texturised Vegetable Proteins C. Brugger, J.-P. Dellemann, C. Petry, N. Müller, M. Laporte, E.J. Windhab Food Technologie, 1, 10 – 12, 2017.
- Gute Alternativen zu Soja - die nächste Generation der texturierten Pflanzenproteine Lebensmitteltechnik, 4, 36 - 38, 2017.
- Inactivation of microorganisms on granular materials: Reduction of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens endospores on wheat grains in a low pressure plasma circulating fluidized bed reactor D. Butscher, T. Schlup, C. Roth, N. Müller-Fischer, C. Gantenbein-Demarchi, P. Rudolf von Rohr Journal of Food Engineering, 159, 48 – 56, 2015.
- Fortification of Rice – Technologies and Nutrients G. Steiger, N. Müller-Fischer, H. Cori, B. Conde-Petit Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., WHO Special Issue, 29-39, 2014.
- Nutrient-focused rice processing N. Müller-Fischer Book chapter in: Agricultural sustainability: Progress and Prospects in Crop Research Elsevier, 2013.
- Tayloring the structure of starch based food matrices through processing N. Müller-Fischer, B. Conde-Petit Proceedings of ISFRS 2009, ETH Zürich, 2009.
- Single bubble deformation and breakup in simple shear flow N. Müller-Fischer, P. Tobler, M. Dressler, P. Fischer, E.J. Windhab Experiments in Fluids, 45, 917-926, 2008.
- Dynamically Enhanced Membrane Foaming Nadina Müller PhD Thesis ETH Zürich,ISBN 3-905609-32-0, 2007
- Impact of static pressure and volumetric energy input on the microstructure of food foam whipped in a rotor-stator device N. Müller-Fischer, D. Suppiger, E.J.Windhab Journal of Food Engineering, 80, 306-316, 2007.
- Emulsion systems with tailored drop size and morphology by dispersive and distributive mixing E.J.Windhab, V. Eisner, N. Müller-Fischer Proceedings of 12th European conference on mixing, Bologna, Italy, 2006.
- Influence of process parameters on microstructure of food foam whipped in a rotor-stator device within a wide static pressure range N. Müller-Fischer & E.J. Windhab Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, 353 – 362, 2005.
- Novel rice milling I 2011 J.P. Mishra, V. Palanivel, L. Schefer, M. Brockfeld, N. Müller-Fischer PCT/GB2010001809 / Buhler Sortex Limited
- Cylindrical membrane apparatus for forming foam and associated process I 2010 E.J. Windhab, N. Müller-Fischer, K.U. Tapfer EP2’043’769 B1 / Nestec S.A.
- Stable foam and process for its manufacture I 2008 E.J. Windhab, N. Dürr-Auster, N. Müller-Fischer, K.U. Tapfer WO 2008/009616 A2 / Nestec S.A.