Sustainability Day 2025
The Sustainability Day @ZHAW on 8 April explores how AI can drive responsible learning, living, and leading.

What is something that affects everyone? That’s AI.
Join us in Winterthur for the Sustainability Day 2025 and learn more about the connection of AI with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event addresses SDG 4- „Quality Education“, SDG 9- „Industry Innovation and Infrastructure“ and SDG 12- „Responsible consumption and production“.
The event will be held in English.
Who is invited?
All students from ZHAW and other universities are invited, as well as ZHAW employees and everyone interested in Sustainability and AI.
Start date: 8 April 2025, 09.00 am
SW Building, St.-Georgen-Platz 2, 8401 Winterthur
ZHAW sustainable & SML PRME