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School of Management and Law

Information session International Executive MBA

Are you interested in gaining fundamental knowledge of business administration in order to take the next step in your career? Then get in touch with us.

Are you interested in continuing education? Would you like to grow your career and move on within your career ladder but you feel like you need better understanding of business? Do you want to become a better leader?

If your answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, then International Executive MBA (IEMBA) is the right program for you.

Since during these days we can not meet you in person, we would like to invite you to individual information sessions with Andrea Stropková, IEMBA Operations manager. Individual sessions take up to 90 minutes and we hold them virtually so you can join them easily from comfort of your home.

Take the opportunity to learn about the program, its focus areas, student profile, study trips, the way we schedule classes, admissions and have your questions answered. Please, contact us today to schedule an appointment:

Andrea Stropková
Project Manager
+41 58 934 66 67


Start date: 3 June 2020, 06.00 pm


ZHAW Abteilung International Business
Theaterstrasse 17
8401 Winterthur