Swiss Life Thesis Award for ZHAW Graduate
Hava Berisha, a graduate of the ZHAW School of Management and Law with a BSc in Business Administration and a specialization in Banking and Finance, has received the Swiss Life Thesis Award.
In early November, Swiss Life asset managers, together with Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and media partner “Finanz und Wirtschaft”, presented the 10th Swiss Life Thesis Award for the best Master’s and Bachelor’s theses at universities of applied sciences in the field of finance. A total of 28 Bachelor’s and Master’s theses on finance-related topics from universities of applied sciences throughout Switzerland were nominated for the Swiss Life Thesis Award 2023. An expert jury rated four of them as outstanding, including the Bachelor’s thesis written by Hava Berisha. Her thesis addresses the question of how digital nudging can be used to motivate millennials to make early provisions for their retirement. The jury’s verdict: “A very interesting thesis that sheds new light on a contemporary issue. What particularly stands out is the comprehensive base of data, which involved considerable effort to collect and process.” Hava Berisha was awarded the Swiss Life Thesis Award in the Bachelor’s category, worth CHF 5,000. Congratulations!
The other winners of the award are Simon Zehnder (a graduate of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts), Dominique Flück (a graduate of Bern University of Applied Sciences), and Michael Marti (a graduate of HWZ University of Applied Sciences for Business Administration Zurich).

About the Swiss Life Thesis Award
Each year, the Swiss Life Thesis Award, in collaboration with the Institute of Financial Services in Zug (IFZ) of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Finanz und Wirtschaft, promotes innovative and practice-oriented research work at Swiss universities of applied sciences on topics such as financial investments, financial markets, financial services companies, financial instruments, and corporate finance. The best theses are awarded the prize in recognition of the students’ achievements. Further information.