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School of Management and Law

SML Publishes Third PRME Progress Report

Every two years, the PRME progress report provides evidence of the activities and the commitment at the SML in the area of responsible management education.

As a member of PRME ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) is obliged to report its progress on the implementation of the six principles for responsible management education every two years. This is done through a Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Report. This report serves as a source of information about the integration of the principles in degree programs, continuing education, research and development, services, and operations.

In the third PRME progress report, the SML reports on selected sustainability activities in 2017 and 2018.

  • Structures
    One focus was to embed PRME more strongly in the organizational structures of the SML. For this reason, the SML PRME Committee was founded in 2018. It includes the dean, key personnel from all departments and performance areas, as well as representatives from all functional levels employed at the SML. The SML PRME Committee is responsible for preparing the PRME Roadmap, which is a two-year plan that includes all sustainability activities at the SML.
  • Degree Programs
    At the SML there are already numerous modules at Bachelor’s and Master’s level with a PRME connection. However, a detailed overview of the nature and extent of the integration of PRME-related topics into the degree programs offered at the SML is missing. For this reason a review to produce such an overview was launched by representatives of the PRME Committee at the end of 2018. This analysis aims to determine the modules in which PRME-relevant topics and skills are currently being taught. Furthermore, an overview of the teaching methods currently employed to discuss PRME topics are being conducted. Based on the results of the project, the content and methodology of our curricula will be further developed in line with PRME.
  • Research
    The SML has defined three main research areas since 2014: Corporate Responsibility Management, Enabling Energy Transformation und Social Law. Between 2017 and 2018 two more were added: Ethically Responsible Leadership and Business and Human Rights.
  • Involvement in the PRME Network
    As in previous years, the SML was also in 2017 and 2018 an active member of the PRME DACH Chapter and has been included in the PRME Champions Group for the period 2018 to 2019. The status as "Champion" is the result of the SML's strong commitment to the goals of the PRME initiative.
  • Extracurricular Activities and Events
    Through various extracurricular activities and events, the SML facilitates and supports dialogue and discussion with her students, alumni and staff, as well as the business community, civil society, and other stakeholders on issues of social responsibility and sustainability. In 2017 and 2018, this included the first SML clothing swap, which took place on the initiative of alumni services, and setting up a student initiative in the field of sustainable development.


Marie-Christin Weber, Research Associate Center for Corporate Responsibility and SML PRME Coordinator, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Phone: +41 (0)58 934 46 53, E-Mail: