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School of Management and Law


The members of the Centre not only exchange and transmit actual micro- and macroeconomic knowledge during national and international conferences, they are also available as speakers for companies, associations and the government.


Dr. Björn Plaschnick presented at the MIS 2015 on April 19th in Rome the topic: "Economic integration of selected non-EU countries in the EU single market".

Dr. Dario Fauceglia presented at the 10th Australasian Trade Workshop on April 7th and 8th 2015 in Sydney the topic: "Backward participation in global value chains and exchange rate driven adjustments Swiss exports".

Dr. Dario Fauceglia presented at the SECO workshop on February 4th 2015 the topic: "Wechselkurseffekte auf die Schweizer Exportwirtschaft und Integration in globale Wertschöpfungsketten".


Prof. Dr. Reto Schleiniger presented at the Green Taxation and Emissions Trading on October 24th and 25th 2014 in Winterthur the topic: "Environmental Fiscal Reform: The View of the Scientist".

Dr. Regina Betz presented at the Green Taxation and Emissions Trading on October 24th and 25th 2014 in Winterthur the topic: "From Challenge to Opportunity: The EU Emission Trading System".

Dr. Christian Berger presented at the eceee 2014. Industrial Summer Study on energy efficiency from June 2nd to June 5th in Stockholm the topic: "Negawatt instead of Megawatt. Energy efficiency programs in Switzerland - barriers and design options".


Prof. Dr. Reto Schleiniger presented at the Swiss Health Economics Workshop on September 13th in Luzern the topic: "Costs, Prices and Quantities of the Swiss Health Care System 2004 - 2010".


Prof. Dr. Reto Schleiniger presented on the conference "Nachhaltigkeit öffentlicher Finanzen - die Kantone im Fokus" on August 30th 2012 in Winterthur the topic: "Wie nachhaltig ist die Finanzpolitik des Kantons Zürich?".

Prof. Dr. Tilman Slembeck presented on the conference "Nachhaltigkeit öffentlicher Finanzen - die Kantone im Fokus" on August 30th 2012 in Winterthur the topic: "Nachhaltigkeit öffentlicher Finanzen: Die Kantone im Fokus".

Dr. Christian Müller presented on the conference "Nachhaltigkeit öffentlicher Finanzen - die Kantone im Fokus" on August 30th 2012 in Winterthur the topic: "Kantonale Schuldenbremsen – wie wirken sie und was bringen sie?".

Dr. Björn Plaschnick presented on an evening conference of the engineering office  LePlan in Winterthur the topic: "Schuldenkrise in Europa: Einfach verstehen…".