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School of Management and Law


As opposed to professional knowledge, soft skills such as critical thinking, presentation skills, or the ability to work well in teams feature less prominently in many curriculums and exams and are often given less weight. MyCompetence is being developed as a web-based tool with three support functions that visualize interdisciplinary competencies:

“Assessing”: Performance can be assessed directly using a tablet or another computer with a lean interface, 

“Planning”: Supports the planning across modules of in-class performance assessments (in addition to exams)

“Reporting”: MyCompetence will have a reporting system to not only assess performance at a point in time but also track competency development across a course of study. Last summer, the assessment function was tested and further enhanced. Over the next few months, the planning and reporting functions will be developed further.

Publikationen zu myCompetence

Müller Werder, Claude; Woschnack, Ute; Baumgartner, Alexander; Erlemann, Jennifer (2016). Kompetenzen evaluieren und entwickeln mit myCompetence. In: Gutes Lernen und gute Lehre – Welchen Beitrag leistet die Qualitätssicherung?. Beiträge zur 4. AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2015. (139-149). Wien: Facultas.