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School of Management and Law

Study Proposal for Master Level Modules

Fall Semester 2024/25

The regular study load of a ZHAW School of Management and Law Master student is 24 ECTS per semester. Incoming Master students need to take a minimum of 15 ECTS credits and are allowed to take up to 45 ECTS credits. Please note that you can also enroll for additional Bachelor level modules in order to complement your schedule.

The Study Proposal (pre-registration) is essential for us to analyze the demand and plan class sizes accordingly. We use this data to reserve sufficient places within the modules. All modules indicated below, must be approved by your home institution. Please provide the details of your academic coordinator who approved your choices at the bottom of the page.

Please note that we do not register you for your selected Master modules, instead you will have to come to our office during the Orientation Week in order to enroll for your selected  modules. For detailed information about our Master modules, please refer to the following documents: 

  1. Provisional Module Offer & Description in English
    In order to fill in your Study Proposal below, please refer to the document "Master Module Offer_Program in English", sent to you by e-mail. The list of modules is tentative and hence subject to change. Therefore, no places can be guaranteed in advance. Please also note that all Master level modules require specific advanced knowledge. By submitting this form you confirm that you have informed yourself about the content of each module selected and that you meet the necessary prerequisites.
  2. Provisional Class Schedule
    Master level modules take place Monday till Wednesday. The schedule of most Master level modules is fluid and not the same every week. In order to avoid an overlap of different modules, only modules of the same program and semester can be chosen (exceptions can be made for modules that consist of autonomous self-study). 
Personal Details
MSc Banking and Finance
1st Semester Modules
MSc Business Administration - Major Innovation and Entrepreneurship
3rd Semester Modules
MSc Business Administration - Major Marketing
3rd Semester Modules
MSc Business Information Technology (modules take place in Zurich)
1st Semester Modules
3rd Semester Modules
MSc Circular Economy Management
1st Semester Modules
MSc Management and Law
1st Semester Modules
Academic Coordinator (who approved your module choices)