Dr. Claudio Beretta

Dr. Claudio Beretta
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Research Group for Food Technology
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
Scientific assistant for sustainability and food waste prevention in food systems
Sustainability in food value chains Quantification, environmental assessment, and reduction of food losses Life cycle assessment
as research associate for sustainability and food waste prevention in food systems
- Ecovillage Design Education “Creating a transformative culture”, 2016, by Gaia Education
Gaia Education
01 / 2016 - 02 / 2016 - Publication of my master thesis "Food losses and potential for reduction in Switzerland"
ETH Zurich
09 / 2010 - 09 / 2012 - Internship in renewable energy projects, focus on biomass energy
Sol-E Suisse
03 / 2009 - 06 / 2009 - Internship in environmental communication and care
Locher, Schmill, Van Wezemael & Partner AG, Foundation Nature & Economy
09 / 2008 - 02 / 2009 - Internship in scientific research: herb-chronology, plant ecology, eco-physiology, scientific imaging
University of Arizona
06 / 2008 - 09 / 2008
Education and Continuing education
- PhD on the Environmental Impact of Food Losses and the Reduction Potential in Food Value Chains / Environmental Science
ETH Zurich
01 / 2013 - 12 / 2018 - Master in Environmental Sciences / Environmental Science
ETH Zurich
09 / 2009 - 08 / 2010 - High school with main subject “Modern Languages”
Grammar School Muttenz
09 / 2000 - 12 / 2003 - Middle School
School of Möhlin
09 / 1996 - 07 / 2000 - Elementary school
Scuola elementare di Tenero (TI)
09 / 1991 - 07 / 1996
Continuing Education
Didactic Certificate in Environmental Education
ETH Zurich
06 / 2013
Membership of networks
- ProVelo Fricktal
- Vereine für unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung
- network Essenswert
- Foodsharing Switzerland
- foodwaste.ch
Media presence
- SRF 29.9.2023 Kontext Festen mit Resten
- Kassensturz 21.6.2021 "Vernichtete Lebensmittel – Ein grosser Teil könnte genutzt werden"
- RSI 21.12.23: Telegiornale "produciamo meno rifiuti"
- RTR 18.4.2023 "Foodwaste en l’agricultura, l'elavuraziun e la gastronomia"
- 24 heures, 29.11.2023 "On jette toujours trop de denrées alimentaires en Suisse"
- RTS 14.3.2017 Le Journal de 6h sur l'impact environnemental de fruits et légumes
- Farm to Table 2.0 - Wädenswil Edition / Team member / laufend
- Valorization of Swiss Agri-Food Side Streams / Team member / laufend
- Implementation of Action Plan against Food Waste / Project leader / laufend
- Sustainable nutrition / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Food Chain Model for sustainable food chains and food waste prevention / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- ShopHero / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- WWF Standards Evaluations / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Food Waste Indicators and Data Monitoring Concept / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Ecological Engineering Living Lab: Insights into the lab of Ecological Engineering / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Sustainable Food Chain Model: Life Cycle Assessment of Food Products, Food Value Chains, and Food Waste / Project leader / abgeschlossen
Müller, Claudia; Zbinden, Erich; Beretta, Claudio; Baumer, Beatrice,
61. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der DGE, Kassel, Deutschland, 4.-6. März 2024.
Beretta, Claudio; Kremer-Hartmann, Katrin; Spielmann-Prada, Giovanna; Züst, Monja; Gantenbein-Demarchi, Corinne; Müller, Claudia,
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-30816
Spielmann-Prada, Giovanna; Kremer-Hartmann, Katrin; Züst, Monja; Beretta, Claudio; Müller, Claudia; Gantenbein-Demarchi, Corinne,
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-30817
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Beretta, C. und Hellweg, S. (2019): Lebensmittelverluste in der Schweiz: Umwelteffekte und Vermeidungspotenzial. Im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt (BAFU).
- Beretta, C. and Hellweg, S. (2019): Potential Environmental Benefits from Food Waste Prevention in the Food Service Sector. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 147 (2019) 169–178.
- Beretta, C., Stucki, M. and Hellweg, S. (2017): Environmental Impacts and Hotspots of Food Losses: Value Chain Analysis of Swiss Food Consumption. Environmental Science & Technology 2017 51 (19), 11165-11173. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06179.
- Zhiyenbek, A., Beretta, C., Stoessel, F. and Hellweg, S. (2017): Ökobilanzierung Früchte- und Gemüseproduktioneine Entscheidungsunterstützung für ökologisches Einkaufen. ETH Zürich, Institut für Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, John-von-Neumann-Weg 9, 8093 Zurich (not published).
- Walker, C., Beretta, C., Pellicer, N. Sanjuan and Hellweg, S. (2017): Calculating the Energy and Water Use in Food Processing and Assessing the Resulting Impacts. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, DOI : 10.1007/s11367-017-1327-6.
- Visschers, V., Gundlach, D. and Beretta, C. (2020): Offering smaller servings reduces plate waste, whereas information provision alone has no effect: Results of an intervention study in two university canteens. Waste Management.
- Saner, D., Beretta, C., Jäggi, B., Juraske, R., Stoessel, F. and Hellweg, S. (2016): FoodPrints of households. International Journal of Life Cycle Assess, 21 (5): 654-63, Landsberg: Springer.
- Beretta, C., Stoessel, F., Baier, U. and Hellweg, S. (2013): Quantifying food losses and the potential for reduction in Switzerland. Waste Management 2013, 764-773, Volume 33, Issue 3.
- Wu, W., Beretta, C., Cronje, P., Hellweg, S., Defraeye, T. (2019): Environmental trade-offs in fresh-fruit cold chains by combining virtual cold chains with life cycle assessment. Applied Energy.