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School of Management and Law

CAS Managing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Sustainability

For companies and public institutions, diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility (DIS) are a fact of everyday life. In this Certificate of Advanced Studies, renowned experts teach participants about the strategic issues of DIS in a clear and practical way. Develop your own sustainable strategy for more equal opportunities and diversity!


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Certificate of Advanced Studies ZHAW in Managing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Sustainability (12 ECTS)





CHF 8'340.00

Comment on costs: 

The program fee includes the registration and exam fees, as well as all course-related documentation and participation in a diversity event. If you register until latest 26.11.2025, we offer a reduced seminar fee of CHF 7,840.00


ZHAW School of Management and Law / Campus St.-Georgen-Platz, 8401 Winterthur

Language of instruction:

  • English
  • In the German-language program, some of the teaching material is in English. Individual guest lectures may be held in English. The German program takes place in the fall semester and the English version in the spring semester


  • German (in the fall semester)
  • English (in the spring semester)

Objectives and content

Target audience

The CAS is aimed at the following target groups:

  • People in public authorities and non-governmental organizations who want to understand how they can strategically implement diversity, inclusion, and social sustainability
  • Diversity and sustainability officers with the task of making the organization internally and externally equitable, inclusive, and socially sustainable
  • HR specialists and managers who want to shape HR practices in a fair and sustainable way
  • Specialists and managers in communication and marketing who want to make their communication, employer and branding, and customer experience more inclusive and diverse
  • Compliance and business human rights professionals who want to build up their knowledge to supplement the legal perspective
  • Staff members and consulting professionals who want to build up or deepen their knowledge of diversity, inclusion, and social sustainability.


  • Fundamentals of diversity, inclusion, equal opportunities, and social sustainability
  • Recognizing diversity group needs and intersectional issues
  • Introduction to social sustainability goals and associated human rights
  • Development and implementation of DIS strategies, DIS metrics, and tool kits
  • Introduction to discrimination issues, compliance, and adherence to ethical guidelines
  • Transformation to an inclusive and socially sustainable organizational culture – insights from theory and practice
  • External views of diversity, inclusion, and social sustainability to understand and address stakeholder needs (e.g., customers)
  • The basics of diversity marketing and branding
  • Equitable and inclusive communication practices
  • Knowing and experiencing the benefits of DIS networks, certifications, and labels


Modul Internal Perspective: Strategically Anchoring Diversity, Inclusion and Social Sustainability in the Organization

  • Terms and (management) concepts relating to diversity, inclusion, equal opportunities, and social sustainability
  • Characteristics and needs of diversity communities
  • Social sustainability goals and the direct link to human rights
  • Diversity strategies, DIS metrics, and tool kits in comparison to social sustainability metrics
  • Forms of discrimination, compliance, and ethical standards
  • Best practices for an inclusive and socially sustainable organizational culture

Modul External Perspective: Integrating Diversity, Inclusion and Social Sustainability into Stakeholder Management

  • Introduction to the external perspective (stakeholder view) of DIS for organizations
  • Introduction to diversity marketing and inclusive communication guidelines
  • Opportunities and risks when implementing DIS management in marketing and communication practices
  • Overview of the relevant DIS networks, certifications, and labels in Switzerland and Europe
  • Reflection on one’s individual role and contribution to the organization


The application-oriented approach comprises a wide range of teaching and learning methods:

  • Presentations and teaching seminars
  • Practical exercises and case studies
  • Group work and presentations
  • Self-study (preparation and follow-up)
  • Elements of e-learning
  • An independent, practical thesis


The performance assessment comprises a presentation and a written practical assignment. Ideally, participants will bring topics from their own organization or professional environment.

More details about the implementation

The program is held over 12 attendance days. In the spring semester, these take place between February and June on Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Enquiries and contact


Department International Business


Admission requirements

Applicants must have either a university degree or corresponding professional qualification (admission on merit).

Start Application deadline Registration link
26.02.2026 26.01.2026 Implementation: English

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