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School of Management and Law

Exam Practice Platform

Since December 2012, students at the School of Management and Law have been able to prepare for end-of-module exams in English using E-learning programs specially designed for iPads or Tablets. The platform includes over 100 modular practice exercises taken from previous exam papers and organized by subject. The teaching content is intuitive, requiring fewer clicks, and progress is continuously monitored. Fast student feedback is generated by the integrated support function. The interactive exercises used have been specially created for SE specifications and can be comfortably operated by the mouse-pointer or via tablet touch-screens. In addition to viewing online access figures and results, lecturers are able to identify exercises which students have found too easy or too difficult. Further statistical information is also available to lecturers, such as which errors are most common in a particular exercise.

Link to "Exam Practice Platform" (Log in with ZHAW User-ID) 

With this system, an innovative E-learning CMS solution has been created which, with its high level of re-usability, can serve as the basis for other E-learning applications. It is ideal for situations requiring special solutions since exercises can be tailor-made rather than relying solely on uniform, standardized tests. This means it is possible to introduce completely new operating and presentation concepts in addition to conventional test formats like multiple choice, ordering sections of text, or gap-fill exercises. Fully integrated into the system is the ZHAW user-profile of every student currently logged-in so that the learning platform can react dynamically to information such as degree program being studied, any specializations, year of entry, etc.