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Angewandte Linguistik

IPrA – 17th International Pragmatics Conference

The International Pragmatics Conference is a biannual international event organised by the International Pragmatics Association in conjunction with a regional university. Every four years it is held in Europe, this year for the first time not only in Switzerland but also in the German-speaking region of Europe. It is a major international conference bringing together up to 1300 people, researchers, students and internationally renowned figures in the field of linguistics. The conference language is English.

The Special Theme of this year's conference is "The Pragmatics of Inclusion", focusing on processes of inclusion and exclusion in institutional and everyday language use, the media and online discourses.

Detailed information


Von: 27. Juni 2021
Bis: 2. Juli 2021


ZHAW Institute of Language Competence
Theaterstrasse 17
8401 Winterthur