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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Cell biologist Michael Raghunath appointed to TERMIS international society

Michael Raghunath, Professor of Cell Biology, Protein Technology and Tissue Engineering at the ZHAW in Wädenswil, was appointed to the council of the European chapter of the renowned professional society TERMIS as of 1 January 2017. The new head of the Centre for Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering (TEDD) at the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology is currently the only TERMIS board member representing a university of applied sciences. As a physician, he has also conducted research at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich in the past.

TERMIS is an abbreviation for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society. This internationally renowned professional society brings together researchers and educators as well as clinical experts from all over the world who share an interest in tissue engineering – the creation of biological tissue – for regenerative medicine. Until mid-2016, Michael Raghunath was a professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore, contributing significantly to its development and international reputation, before he was appointed as a professor at the ZHAW. The German-born physician is also a member of the scientific committee of this year’s TERMIS EU meeting in Davos, which is to take place from 26 to 30 June.

Raghunath specialised, among other things, in matrix biology, pathobiochemistry of connective tissue and wound healing. From 1990 to 1995, he worked at the Children’s Hospital of the University of Zurich on connective tissue diseases and skin regeneration of children with burn injuries. He subsequently worked as a postgraduate student and assistant physician in dermatology at the University of Münster and then spent a few years in the biotech industry.

Today, Michael Raghunath is mainly interested in improving the microenvironment of cells in culture, the construction of three-dimensional living tissues and the differentiation of human progenitor cells into brown fat cells.


Specialist Contact

Prof. Dr. Michael Raghunath, Centre for Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering at the Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology, ZHAW/Wädenswil. 058 934 55 18,

ZHAW Media Relations, Wädenswil

Cornelia Sidler, Media Relations, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, ZHAW/Wädenswil, 058 934 53 66,