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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Sustainable packaging materials

A research field of the Food Packaging Research Group

Food packaging is constantly changing. There is a clear trend towards sustainable packaging these days. In order to meet this consumer demand, the food industry is looking for alternatives to existing packaging materials.

Bio-packaging is made from renewable and/or biodegradable resources and can replace conventional packaging materials through its use. However, the technological properties of bioplastics often do not yet fulfil the desired requirement criteria for use as primary packaging in the food industry.

This is why we are constantly developing and optimising new applications and application processes for organic packaging in close cooperation with various food and packaging manufacturers. In this way, we are working with growing expertise to fulfil the specific requirements of organic packaging for food.

VALISS – Valorisation of Swiss Agri-Food Side Streams

This project aims to identify potential side streams from the food and agricultural industries, processes, technologies and applications to pave the way for the development of food and packaging products from these side streams.

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BIOMAT (Integrated Bio-based Materials Value Chains)

The aim of the project is to develop sustainable bio-based materials to replace fossil-based counterparts. On the one hand, biomaterials are produced from by-products of the agricultural and food industry. On the other hand, green technologies such as the cultivation of microalgae are used to produce biomaterials. In addition, processes are being developed to convert such biomaterials into products with defined applications.

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Packaging from side streams

This project evaluates the use of side streams from the agro-food industry for injection moulding and hot pressing processes.

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Protective coatings for the extension of the shelf life of foods

This project involves the development and evaluation of food coatings to extend the shelf life of fruit and vegetables.

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