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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

The Bachelor programmes at the ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management

The Bachelor programmes in Life Sciences or Facility Management are modern, exciting and practical. It is the perfect preparation for your professional future.

At the ZHAW in Wädenswil you learn for the future: The Bachelor of Science degree programme leads to professional qualification and imparts practice-oriented specialist knowledge, general education and work methodology. The full-time programme lasts six semesters. Part-time study is possible. The degree programme prepares you practically for the challenges in the industries of the future and provides up-to-date and sound knowledge about nutrition, health, society and the environment.

The Bachelor's degree programmes

Applied Digital Life Sciences

Unique in Switzerland, this degree programme combines life sciences, data science and digitalisation. Natural science skills are combined with various digital tools and data-based methods. Students conduct research in the laboratory and in the environment while acquiring skills in programming, artificial intelligence, data engineering, modelling and simulation. The Bachelor's programme leads to labour market qualification and opens up excellent job opportunities. Thanks to the interdisciplinary approach, you will acquire important and perfectly balanced skills to get started in the life sciences.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Applied Digital Life Sciences


Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics

This study programme is unique in Switzerland. At the interface between biomedicine, laboratory analytics, new digital possibilities and patient welfare, this programme meets a growing demand in diagnostics and therapy. The Bachelor's degree qualifies you for a career in biomedical laboratory diagnostics. Professional experience and further continuing education, will subsenqently enable you to assume roles in management, education and research. Further training options include, for example, a Master's degree in Switzerland or abroad.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics


The Bachelor's degree in biotechnology combines biological, medical and technical sciences. You will learn to utilise findings from biology and biochemistry, to apply technical processes to the production of new substances for industrial products or medicines, and to analyse thes products or medicines. As a biotechnologist, you will work in various fields such as in the food, detergents or health sectors.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Biotechnology


The Bachelor's degree in chemistry prepares you for a future career, and provides you with a broad theoretical and practical education in chemistry, as well as life sciences and chemical engineering technology with mathematics and physics as a foundation. As a chemist, you will deal with the structure, properties and transformation of substances. You will develop, synthesise and analyse a wide variety of substances, taking into account economic efficiency, safety and environmental protection.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Chemistry

Facility Management

The Bachelor's degree in Facility Management provides you with the necessary knowledge to manage real estate and facilities economically and sustainably. In addition, you will learn how to optimise building systems in terms of the structural infrastructure and how it is used, how to design supportive workplaces, and how to develop, organise and realise innovative services and events. You will also learn about business management methods, team leadership and interdisciplinary work.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Facility Management

Food Science

The Bachelor's degree programme in Food Science combines the natural sciences with food-specific, nutritional, technical, ecological and business management knowledge. You will learn to analyse the needs of consumers, optimise processing procedures, develop new products, packaging and production facilities and test the quality of food.

Detailed information about the Bachelor in Food Science

Natural Resource Sciences

In the Natural Resource Sciences degree programme, your studies will be practice-oriented in the fields of environment, nature, renewable energies, organic agriculture, sustainable development, eco-technology, nature management and urban ecosystems. You will overcome interesting challenges that arise from the interplay between economic and social demand, and from the requirements of protected land use and landscape development.

Detailed information about the Bachelorin Natural Resource Sciences

The study at a glance

Title: Bachelor of Science ZHAW in (field of study)
Workload: 180 credits (ECTS)
Duration: 6 semesters in full-time, part-time possible
Start: mid-September; one week earlier for all new 1st semester students
Tuition location: Wädenswil on Lake Zurich (20 km from Zurich)
Language of instruction: German, BSc Natural Resouces partly in English
Tuition fees: CHF 720.00 per semester + additional study related expenses
Postgraduate degrees: Master of Science in Circular Economy Management, Life Sciences with four specialisations, Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems, Real Estate & Facility Management, Environment and Natural Resoures with three specialisations

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