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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Business Area Development

Promoting Innovation, Preneurship, Transformation & Regeneration in the Life Sciences

Regenerative systems offer solutions to today's and tomorrow's challenges. In the Life Sciences, we promote the development of such systems through education, research projects and collaboration with industry. We curate and bring together internal and external stakeholders and leverage the potential of networks through collaborative work.


We connect stakeholders from research, teaching, industry, public administration and society who work in the Life Sciences, primarily in the agro food sector. In doing so, innovations are initiated and implemented by taking an inter- and transdisciplinary approach, with a high level of focus on practical application.

We leverage the potential of networks through collaborative work. Solutions and business models are developed collaboratively and are implemented in economic contexts. We see ourselves as an agile platform that curates and brings together people and teams from different organisations.

We offer various services on the following topics within the context of the Life Sciences:



In the area of education and teaching, the topic of regeneration is crucial to us. We aim to initiate and implement innovative thinking by taking an inter- and transdisciplinary teaching approach.

BSc in Natural Resource Sciences Modules

Continuing education courses: Foodward "Excellence in Food"

foodward - EXCELLENCE IN FOOD is a collaborative effort between the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Wädenswil, the foodward association and the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH-HAFL) in Zollikofen. It consists of eight CAS courses, which can be taken on a module-by-module basis towards either a DAS or MAS degree, as required and according to interest.

foodward - EXCELLENCE IN FOOD. This continuing education course for food professionals ...

Master of Science in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems

“The term ’regenerative’ signifies focussing on the entire system. Through this master’s programme, we empower people to rethink systems at the point where business, food value creation and sustainability intersect. They further develop as individuals, learn to appreciate complementary skills within teams, and implement ideas effectively."

Maya Ladner, programme director of MSc in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems

The Master’s programme in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems combines the design of sustainable food systems with entrepreneurial skills and scientific approaches. The customisable programme employs innovative educational concepts, and the students learn collaboratively both from and in tandem with their fellow classmates. In the process, they are able to work together to develop practical solutions and become a part of the system change for food value creation.

Our students chose between three types of preneurship: they can establish their own start-up as an entrepreneur, implement sustainable innovations in a food company as an intrapreneur, or drive social change processes as a commonpreneur - with this Master's programme, they will become preneurs for regenerative food systems.

«The industry needs this education programme to meet the global challenges of food value creation. Understanding the entire value chain is extremely valuable for all companies.»

Patrick Camele, former CEO of the SV Group

After graduating the MSc programme, our students will:

At a glance

  • Degree: Master of Science (MSc) in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems (ZHAW)
  • Planned start of studies: Spring semester 2022
  • Workload: 90 ECTS
  • Duration: 4 Semesters (standard mode of study), 5 or more semesters possible
  • Registration deadline: October 31st
  • Place of instruction: Wädenswil, and occasionally Winterthur, Zurich and other locations possible
  • Language of instruction: Predominantly English
  • Tuition fee: CHF 720 per semester + additional study-related expenses

Master of Science in Life Science - Food and Beverage Innovation

In the Master's program in Life Sciences with a specialization in Food and Beverage Innovation, students focus on innovative solutions for the food and beverage industry. They recognize innovation as a holistic process and independently develop new products and processes sustainably from raw material to market.
